
Cervical disc surgery

Cervical disc surgery is recommended as a last resort when this cartilage-like disc is cracked or ruptured. In case of injury, the gelatin liquid disc that fills the space between the neck vertebrae is displaced and puts painful pressure on the spinal cord. Due to the irreversibility of this complication, cervical disc surgery is the only possible treatment in many cases.

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Cervical disc diagnostic methods

In order to get a correct diagnosis of the cervical disc, doctors use different methods to give their definite opinion about cervical disc surgery.

  1. In order to get a correct diagnosis of the cervical disc, doctors use different methods to give their definite opinion about cervical disc surgery.

2. The second way: filling in diagnostic charts

In the next step, the patient is asked to fill in the charts set for this purpose, along with the description of the disease and the extent and location of the pain. In this way, in discovering the location of the symptoms, the doctor achieves more accurate criteria.

3. The third way: X-ray, MRI, CT scan

All these assessment and measurement processes are capable of showing the amount of disc space between the vertebrae, the structure of the vertebral column, the current condition of the disc, etc. Therefore, they are considered one of the important steps in the diagnosis of cervical disc surgery.

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Types of physical treatments to heal cervical disc

In the first step, the doctor goes to drug therapy and tries to treat the damaged disc in this way. But if this process is unsuccessful, he uses other types of treatments such as physiotherapy, ultrasound, acupuncture, epidural nerve root injection, Pilates, medical necklace, etc. If health is not achieved for a person within a period of 6-8 weeks, he goes to the most effective treatment method, i.e. cervical disc surgery.

Familiarity with different types of cervical disc surgery

Cervical disc surgery is not performed in a single method and has different types depending on the patient’s condition. Cervical disc surgery from the front, cervical disc surgery from the back, simultaneous cervical disc surgery (360 degrees) and laser cervical disc surgery are some of the different types of cervical disc surgery available.

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Cervical disc surgery from the front

In this method, the surgeon first determines the exact location of the lesion with the help of radiography, and then reaches the disc from the front of the neck by bypassing the muscles and vessels. Then, with the help of surgical tools, he drains the removed joint fluid and releases the bones that cause nerve pressure.

Cervical disc surgery from the front

In surgery from the back, after making a cut, the muscles and bones on the spinal cord are pushed aside and drain the leaked cartilage fluid. In case of a ruptured disc, the doctor performs several procedures at his discretion in order to repair the problem. Artificial disc replacement, fusion, screw placement, or bone grafting are all suggested options.

360 degree cervical disc surgery

In situations where the cervical disc is severely narrowed or extra pressure is applied to the spinal cord or nerve roots, as a result, the patient’s condition is critical and acute, 360 degree cervical disc surgery is used. In this method, the surgeon performed the operation simultaneously from the back and front of the neck to quickly remove the created risk.

Laser neck disc surgery

In laser neck disc surgery, only a small incision is needed to enter the optical fiber into the disc. With laser radiation by optical fiber into the disc, the gelatinous material is vaporized and the joint fluid is returned to the disc automatically. Not making an incision with a surgical knife, faster recovery and no need for an artificial disc are the advantages of this surgery.

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People who need neck disc surgery

Considering that alternative surgeries are a priority, but if you suffer from osteoporosis, infection, inflammation, joint diseases, allergies to steel alloys, the only treatment for you is to perform cervical disc surgery.

Care after cervical disc surgery

It is claimed that cervical disc surgery does not cause much restrictions for patients and they are quickly discharged from the hospital after 1 to 2 days and have no restrictions on doing daily tasks. Nevertheless, it is better to observe these things after the operation:

Avoid getting the stitches wet in the early days to prevent infection
Proper sleeping, sitting and getting up
Cleaning the wound with sterile gauze and dressing
Taking antibiotics and prescription drugs
Use of medical necklaces
And … .

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The last words of the cervical disc surgery chapter:

Remember, do not pay attention to the rumors related to cervical disc surgery that this operation is dangerous, and as soon as you feel pain and discomfort in the neck vertebra or numbness in the hand, be sure to see a doctor. The sooner the cervical disc is diagnosed and operated, the faster recovery is possible. Most of the worries about this surgery are unfounded, because all the patients have expressed their high level of satisfaction after the treatment.

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Lumbar disc surgery

Lumbar disc surgery is a therapeutic method to heal the pain caused by the protruding discs between the vertebrae of the end part of the spine. If there is no treatment, the nerves around the vertebral column may be put under double pressure and weakness and numbness may be observed in a part of the body over time. In this article, we talk more about lumbar disc surgery and its various aspects.

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Different types of lumbar disc surgery

Different types of lumbar disc surgery are divided into invasive and minimally invasive. In this way, all the surgical methods in which the doctor uses operating tools to cut an area of ​​the body are referred to as invasive surgery. With the incredible progress in the medical industry, today there are various types of minimally invasive surgeries that allow the surgeon to perform the operation without the least damage to the tissue and nerves. In this way, the recovery period and hospitalization and post-operative discomforts are also reduced. But each of these two groups are divided into other parts, which are also worth mentioning.

All kinds of invasive surgeries

When we look at lumbar disc surgery, we see the invasive method as the best and most effective method possible from the past until now. This type of surgery can be performed with two methods of open operation and microscopic open operation and includes the following two types:

Lumbar disc surgery lamingectomy (foraminotomy or discectomy)
Microscopic lumbar disc surgery


Types of minimally invasive surgeries

It is natural that there is a need for a special procedure to perform lumbar disc surgery when there is no incision to be made in the skin or any of the internal organs of the body. Often, in this method, doctors try to access the disc space by piercing the desired part and inserting a needle or endoscope. Thus, it includes two methods as follows:

Laser lumbar disc surgery
Endoscopic lumbar disc surgery

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Reasons for the occurrence of lumbar disc among people

Normally, it is less common for a person to suffer from a lumbar disc, only at a certain time when the body is subjected to sudden pressure, impact or shock, people suffer from such a painful and dangerous complication. Among these conditions, we can mention carrying heavy objects, non-original sports, severe accidents and sudden rotation of the back. Of course, obesity and overweight and aging can also be causes of this problem. Also, multiple pregnancies in women, diseases related to bone destruction, incorrect sitting of workers for a long time, etc. can also affect the aggravation of this condition and make a person need lumbar disc surgery.

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Who needs lumbar disc surgery?

At first, skilled doctors try to treat the patient with the help of pharmaceutical treatments and restore health to him regardless of surgery and its disadvantages. But in case of non-surgical procedures such as taking anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, physiotherapy, injecting steroids, etc., and not seeing improvement, the doctor inevitably prescribes lumbar disc surgery to heal the patient’s pain, suffering and discomfort. In fact, in many cases, people stop even doing their daily activities due to lumbar disc, and in this case, surgery is considered a way to save them.

Approved medical alternatives to lumbar disc surgery

Sometimes the doctor realizes after examination and clinical investigations, instead of lumbar disc surgery, he can use alternative methods that are mostly formed around the injection of special substances. In this way, it is easier and less invasive to treat the patient. These alternative methods can be mentioned:

Infusion of platelet-rich plasma
Ozone injection
Epidural steroid injection
Desco gel injection

Possible risks and complications of lumbar disc surgery

Depending on the physical resistance of people and the type of body’s reaction to surgery, complications sometimes appear in different ways. These discomforts can start from infection in the incision area and include recurrence of the disease, lung embolism, nerve damage, problems in the urinary tract, etc. Although about 80% of lumbar disc surgeries have been successfully performed, some of them have been unsuccessful and the disease has returned.

Care after lumbar disc surgery

Do not neglect dressings after lumbar disc surgery. Also, following some tips such as continuous use of a medical belt, avoiding bathing for 3 to 5 days after the operation, using support pillows while sleeping, etc., can speed up the healing of wounds in addition to the complete recovery of the disc. Among other points, the following can be mentioned:

Not using directly on the wound
Performing soft sports activities and gentle exercises to improve blood circulation
Using ice therapy to reduce inflammation and swelling in the operated area
Regular physiotherapy and rehabilitation
Attention to regular post-operative visits

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Canal stenosis surgery

Spinal stenosis surgery, which sometimes involves the lower part and back (lumbar) and sometimes the neck and its vertebrae (cervical), is suggested for people who have not received a suitable response from minimally invasive treatment methods. Based on various problems such as tearing, abrasion, etc., the internal part of the spine loses its sufficient space and the spinal cord is under pressure, causing the person to experience symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, etc. At this stage, depending on the patient’s condition, after being disappointed with minimally invasive treatment methods, the doctor goes for canal stenosis surgery.

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Various cervical and lumbar symptoms of spinal stenosis

According to the exact location of the narrowing and the general condition of the nerves, the symptoms show themselves in different ways. But in general, neck symptoms are sometimes accompanied by tingling in one arm, feeling of weakness in the arms, imbalance, etc., and back symptoms with leg muscle cramps, pain when standing for a long time, numbness and burning in the leg, etc. it shows.

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Causes of spinal stenosis

Various causes play a role in the occurrence of spinal canal stenosis, all of which, regardless of the causes of their occurrence, can make people’s lives suffer a lot of hardships in acute conditions. Among these reasons, we mention a few cases: Hereditary problems and the presence of a small spinal canal from birth. Excessive bone growth of the inner wall of the spinal canal, rupture due to osteoarthritis on the vertebral bones, numerous bone and rheumatic diseases in adulthood, disc herniation due to heavy work, cracks in the outer part of the disc, abnormal growth of tumors inside the spinal cord, spinal cord injuries due to accidents, falls from a height, the ground eating and… fracture or displacement of one or several vertebrae, swelling of tissue adjacent to the spinal cord or surrounding nerves, aging

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Diagnostic methods for spinal canal stenosis

There are various diagnostic ways that can lead the doctor to a definitive opinion for canal stenosis surgery. Among these ways, in the first stage, we can refer to taking the history of the patient. After that, the quality of walking and the presence of symptoms such as sleepiness, fatigue, etc. in consecutive walks indicate this problem. Burning or coldness of the lower limbs can also partially confirm the existence of this condition. Finally, conducting tests such as MRI, nerve and muscle tape (EMG), will demonstrate any chronic involvement of the nerve roots.

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Familiarity with different treatment methods for spinal canal stenosis

In general, there are four distinct methods to improve spinal canal stenosis, and doctors use one or more of these methods in combination to improve the condition of the patient. The first method: using anti-inflammatory drugs. The second method: Physiotherapy and acupuncture manipulation. The third method: Intravertebral injection. The fourth method: Spinal canal stenosis surgery.

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For whom is canal stenosis surgery necessary?

Up to 80% of patients can be treated with alternative treatments and do not go to the surgical blade. But in times when the quality of a person’s life is compromised and it is not possible for him to perform daily activities, canal stenosis surgery is the best solution to return the condition to normal. Also, when the pressure on the spinal cord exceeds the normal limit or it becomes impossible or difficult for the patient to walk and maintain balance, surgery should also be done. Of course, many who complain of sexual problems, lack of control over the bladder and bowels, muscle cramps and weakness, dysfunction and general disability, need an urgent surgery.

Mandatory medical care after canal stenosis surgery

Depending on the type of canal stenosis surgery chosen for you, you will have a different recovery period and different care needs. For example, people undergoing laminectomy surgery only need 2-3 days of hospitalization, but if you have fusion surgery, this period increases to 3-5 days. Among the other necessities after the operation, we can mention the following: transfer to rehabilitation centers in order to perform additional care, prescribe pain and swelling and anti-inflammatory drugs, use a brace, refer to a physiotherapist in order to perform light exercises to stretch and strengthen muscles, perform rehabilitation activities to To ensure that the back is not stiffened and to reduce swelling, use a hot water compress or an ice pack to reduce pain

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The last words of the canal stenosis surgery chapter: if the canal stenosis surgery is postponed, although the person will not feel the initial pain with the passage of time, he will suffer from many neurological problems. In such a way that he is unable to do many standing tasks and has to endure a sedentary life.

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Neurosurgery is recommended in case of many structural problems and physical abnormalities of the brain due to heredity, disease, injury, etc. With other scientific advances, open surgeries are not the only way to operate the brain. Rather, different treatment methods can be used according to the condition under treatment and the specific area of ​​the brain. In this article, we will examine the various aspects of neurosurgery and its related points together.

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In what case is neurosurgery needed?

Sometimes the brain itself is damaged and the need to correct its problems is felt, and sometimes the vessels, tissues, etc. around the brain are damaged. In any case, neurosurgery helps to solve these problems in a radical way. Most of these abnormalities can be mentioned as the production of abnormal blood vessels, aneurysm, epilepsy, formation of clots, damage to protective tissues, etc. Of course, sometimes problems such as abscesses, nerve damage, Parkinson’s, skull fracture, tumor, etc. reveal the necessity of brain surgery.

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Different missions of neurosurgery specialist

A neurosurgeon is not only responsible for identifying neurological disorders, but also has the task of eliminating them through surgery and other treatment methods. With these descriptions, it can be said that a surgeon active in this field has a special ability to discover neurological disorders. n this way, the main duties of a brain surgeon can be listed as follows:Text editor

Provide preventive measures

Performing various examinations

Accurate diagnosis and introduction of a specific type of disease

Introducing the specific type of surgery required

Performing surgery and treatment and obtaining complete recovery for the patient

Care and rehabilitation after surgery

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Diagnostic ways of brain and nerve diseases

The area of ​​the brain and nerves is very complex, therefore the slightest neglect is fatal for the patient and can cause serious risks for him. For this reason, it is natural for the doctor to employ different diagnostic methods to obtain the highest percentage of confidence before neurosurgery. These methods include spinal fluid analysis, brain scan, CT scan, MRI, tomography and angiography. However, other tests such as brain fluid sampling, studying the course and sleep process of the patient also play a decisive role in the chosen method of operation and the type of prescribed treatment.

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Different capabilities of an active doctor in the field of neurosurgery

The abilities of specialists active in the field of neurosurgery are so high that all internal doctors, emergency doctors, bone specialists, etc., are unable to perform their medical duties effectively without continuous and stable communication with them. In this way, the medical abilities of these specialists can be mentioned as follows:

First ability:bold Removal of all types of brain tumors, spinal cord tumors, spinal cord and skull tumors

The second ability:Fixing spine problems such as disc herniation, arthritis, slipped disc, etc.

The third ability:Nerve damage such as carpal tunnel syndrome

The fourth ability:Vascular disorders such as cerebral hemorrhage, aneurysm, blood clots, etc.

The fifth capability:Improving diseases such as Parkinson’s, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, etc.

The sixth ability:Removing infections of brain tissue, vertebrae, spine bones, etc

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Different types of neurosurgery

Depending on the problem that needs to be treated, neurosurgery has different methods, each of which covers a specific complication and treats the patient in a unique way. Craniotomy, craniectomy, biopsy and endonasal endoscopy are common methods in this field. In the craniotomy, craniectomy and biopsy methods, a small cut or hole is created in the skull and with the help of it, brain complications including tumor, infection, swelling, etc. are healed. But in the endonasal endoscopy method, lesions and brain tumors are removed through the nose and sinuses. In this way, there is no need to cut the brain membrane, and the endoscopic device can destroy all types of tumors of the pituitary gland, the bottom of the brain, and the base of the skull by entering the sinus tracts.

Medical care required after neurosurgery

After neurosurgery, the patient needs special care, without which the operation will not have a good result. We mention the most important of these cares.

Transferring the patient to the ICU and connecting tubes to drain brain fluids and blood secretions

Injection of painkillers, anticonvulsants, antibiotics, etc.

Tube feeding of the patient

Supporting a person while walking to avoid injury

Leaving the patient to be discharged after gaining full consciousness

Visiting the patient’s office after surgery for clinical examination

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The last words of neurosurgery chapter:

Remember, if you see diseases such as Alzheimer’s, migraine, MS, muscle spasms, seizures, etc., you should definitely consult a neurosurgeon to find out the cause of the disease. Such a person with his expertise can appear capable in diagnosis, treatment and final monitoring.

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Examples of surgeries

5th thoracic vertebra fracture surgery

Surgery for 5th thoracic vertebra fracture along with correction of kyphosis in the mentioned area by free hand method. The patient was discharged 16 hours after the operation with a good general condition.

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Examples of surgeries

Lumbar disc surgery and spinal stenosis

An elderly female patient with severe back pain in need of lumbar support and treatment of lumbar disc and channel stenosis underwent surgery and was discharged the next day with a belt.

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Examples of surgeries

Scoliosis correction surgery

The patient with degenerative scoliosis of the spine underwent surgery in Jordan Hospital and was discharged the day after the operation.

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